Welcome to the Parents Voice Initiative (PVI) Global Registry of Stillbirth Support Organizations! If you are a parent or someone seeking support, the Registry is a freely accessible, searchable database of stillbirth support organizations around the world that provide any type of support to those affected by stillbirth. It includes information on each organization’s mission, location(s), contacts, and the types of services offered, along with a link to their website if available. In some countries, especially in high-burden settings, there are no formal organizations and hence, informal support groups and point persons are also included where they exist. These are informal groups or individuals who, through their personal experience or professional work, are interested in facilitating or have helped to facilitate the establishment of parent support organizations and/or support activities for bereaved parents.
To search the database, type in a relevant search term into the search bar, such as the name of a country or city or a word or combination of words like ‘grandparent’, ‘funeral’, ‘therapy’, ‘sibling’, etc or any other item you are interested in finding out about. If you have any questions, please send an email to registry@stillbirthalliance.org
Keep checking back since we will be updating the Registry frequently as more organizations and individuals come on board.
Please note ISA does not endorse the quality of services provided through registry entrants and recommends you contact your service provider if you require specific care. If you are experiencing an emergency, please contact emergency care providers in your country.
Search tips: Try different words for your search. For instance if you are looking for support for midwives, try “midwife”, “midwifery”, and “midwives”.The International Stillbirth Alliance (ISA) provides information on stillbirth support for the benefit of individuals seeking support or information about stillbirth. Inclusion of an organization or individual on the Registry does not constitute ISA’s endorsement or support of any such organization or individual or of any services, programs or information they may provide. Individuals should always consult their physician for any medical questions.