The Lancet
Ending Preventable Stillbirths series
Research published in the Lancet Stillbirth Series shows that more than 2.6 million stillbirths continue to occur globally every year. Half of all stillbirths occur during labour and birth. Yet most of these 1.3 million deaths could be prevented with improved quality of care.
Papers and Comments:
For the full Series Papers and Comments, visit: You will need to create an account to download the documents, but there is no cost to do this. All articles are free of charge.
WHO article:
World Health Organization article – The neglected tragedy of stillbirths
Executive Summary – Executive Summary English
Lay Summary – ISA Lay Summary English
Infographic – ISA Stillbirth Infographic English
Please read the translated versions of the Infographic here:
- Infographic – ISA Stillbirth Infographic Spanish *NEW*
Please read the translated versions of the Executive Summary here:
- Chinese – ISA Executive Summary Stillbirths Chinese NEW*
- French – ISA Executive Summary Stillbirths French *NEW*
- Italian – ISA Executive Summary Stillbirths Italian
- Portuguese – ISA Executive summary Portuguese *NEW*
- Spanish – ISA Executive Summary Stillbirths Spanish
Please read the translated versions of the Lay Summary here:
- Arabic – ISA Lay Summary Arabic
- Catalan – ISA Lay Summary Catalan *NEW*
- Chinese – ISA Lay Summary Chinese
- French – ISA Lay Summary French
- Greek – ISA Lay Summary Greek
- Hindi – ISA Lay Summary Hindi
- Italian – ISA Lay Summary Italian
- Portuguese – ISA Lay Summary Portuguese
- Spanish – ISA Lay Summary Spanish
Join the Call to Action demanding the international community, governments and communities to support:
- INTENTIONAL LEADERSHIP: Ensure efforts to address stillbirths are at the centre of implementation plans for women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health.
- INCREASED VOICE: Empower community groups, including women’s groups and affected families, to raise their voices to formulate plans to reduce stillbirths and hold decision-makers to account.
- IMPLEMENTATION: Ensure stillbirth prevention is integrated into programming for women’s and children’s health with specific interventions on stillbirths to improve quality care in pregnancy and childbirth.
- INDICATORS TO MEASURE IMPACT: Address data gaps by tracking stillbirths and ensure effective coverage of quality care
- INVESTIGATION: Invest in more research to end stillbirths and care for affected families.
Read the full Call to Action and show your support at:
The Lancet Series on Ending Preventable Stillbirths
Toolkit Lancet Ending Preventable Stillbirths Launch Toolkit
Social Media toolkit: Social Media Toolkit
Thunderclap ending preventable stillbirths:
Every Woman Every Child: the lancet stillbirths seriesincludes photos, infographics, launch toolkit and messages
Launch reports:
- USA launch (New York) – click here
- Australian launch (Brisbane) – click here