I still remember like it was yesterday. The night before I found out she passed, my husband and I were putting together her automatic rocker. Then just out of the blue, I felt her make very quick movements. I didn’t think anything of it because she was always very active. That morning I woke up and didn’t feel her normal routine, so I called the doctor and they told me to come to the hospital. That is when I found out that she had passed away because the cord had wrapped around her neck 3 times. I was 38 weeks pregnant on July 14, 2008 and her name was Brooklyn Jade and I still think about her often.
After the delivery, I had no support system or any knowledge about stillbirth at that time. I suffered alone. I also had a 3 year old who was expecting a little sister. I didn’t know how to open the discussion of pregnancy loss or the emotional strength to explain.
Fast forward many years… I wrote a children’s picture book called “Rainbow” by Je’Nai Kuhn. It’s about the loss of a baby from stillbirth, which is based on my own experience, but told from a child’s unique perspective. It’s a beautiful book. Hopefully it can offer hope and healing for someone during such a traumatic time. I know it could have helped me.
After the delivery, I had no support system or any knowledge about stillbirth at that time. I suffered alone. I also had a 3 year old who was expecting a little sister. I didn’t know how to open the discussion of pregnancy loss or the emotional strength to explain.
Fast forward many years… I wrote a children’s picture book called “Rainbow” by Je’Nai Kuhn. It’s about the loss of a baby from stillbirth, which is based on my own experience, but told from a child’s unique perspective. It’s a beautiful book. Hopefully it can offer hope and healing for someone during such a traumatic time. I know it could have helped me.
Post created by Je'Nai Kuhn. From Manhattan Beach, USA. On August 21, 2021
My journey started November 4th 2020. I wasn’t feeling good for a few days and i was late on my period , i took a pregnancy test and there was a big fat positive, i took 3 more just to make sure it was real. My fiancé was just getting off of work so i had to hurry to the store and get some things because i wanted to suprise him. He got home and i told him to sit down and i gave him the gift ( the pregnancy tests were at the bottom ). He opened it and saw the socks and the outfit and was like what is this for and i said keep going open the rest and when we saw them his whole face was lit up. We we’re both super happy and relieved to know we would be having a baby. I found out i was having a boy and that i had some high risk factors such a preclampsia , gestational diabetes , high blood pressure and sugars. I was sent to a high risk doctor for those and also a cardiologist because we found out that my baby would have heart problems which took a huge toll on us. My very last appointment the doctor told me that his heart was starting to look better and i was more than excited to hear that my heart was beating so fast. I called my grandma and my fiancé and everybody and told them and theh were all relieved. Weeks go by and im 29 weeks & 4 days and my fiancé and i are going to get a 3D/4D ultrasound. Our son was so handsome and chunky weighing 3 pounds almost 4. 2 more weeks go by and im 31 weeks , on the night of May 6th my baby was moving so much. The morning of May 7th i didn’t feel him kick and i couldn’t find his heartbeat so we came to the hospital and my baby passed away. I had to deliver him so he was due May 8th 2021 @ 10:26 pm. Such a sad moment for us having to deliver a deceased baby , not hearing him cry or seeing him move was very heartbreaking. We will be laying him to rest in a few days but god had a reason for what he did and i can’t do anything but continue on everyday in rememberance of my son.
Post created by Briana Mosley. From Lake Mary, United States. On May 10, 2021
My pregnancy loss journey started when I was 18 after becoming pregnant from sexual assault. I absolutely refused to acknowledge my pregnancy until it was too late because 4 weeks after finding out I had my first miscarriage. About a year later I met someone I loved and after 6 months found out I was pregnant again but at my 12 week ultrasound I found out that my baby’s heart had stopped beating and I was scheduled for a d&c that afternoon. Fast forward 2 years I’m engaged and find out again that I’m expecting but our excitement was short lived and I miscarried not even 8 hours later. Because of the losses and the stress of them my fiancé left me to deal with the aftermath of 3 miscarriages. Then a year later I fell in love again, we got pregnant 8 months later and got married when I was 12 weeks pregnant. The pregnancy was going amazingly well. For the first time ever I got to announce my pregnancy, I got to learn the gender of my baby, I got to buy all the exciting things for him, I even got to plan and send invites to my baby shower. But at 27 weeks pregnant on Valentine’s Day I started having immense pain and my doctor told me to go to l&d because she thought I was in labor. Upon arriving at the hospital we were given an ultrasound to check on him and after 10 minutes the ultrasound technician said she needed to grab a more experienced tech. That happened 4 more times before a doctor came to tell us our son had passed away and the pain I was experiencing was because I had an infection of my uterus and was septic. I don’t remember much from that point on but the sound my husband made as he walked out of the room to call his mother will haunt me forever. It was a sound that explained how I was feeling. A sound I hope no one ever has to make or hear in their entire life. A sound of complete and utter anguish. I had to wait in triage for 7 hours before being admitted for an emergency induction because so many happy beautiful pregnant women kept coming in to have their babies. I don’t remember any of my labor because they had me on more medications that I can count, what I do remember is going to the bathroom thinking I had to urinate but after sitting down realizing that I was crowning and my son was coming, my mother and husband started yelling for nurses to come in as I kept telling them I’m not ready for him to come out; sobbing and screaming that I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t deliver him knowing he wouldn’t cry. But I did. And we all held him and each other crying and marveling at how beautiful he was even though his organs were on the outside of his body and his head was severely malformed. To us he was perfect, a beautiful being that was too good for earth. We held him for hours before we finally let the nurses take him. I had the most amazing nurses during my hospital stay, they often came to my room just to talk to me and support us, and upon discharge they brought us a card that all the nurses and staff that worked with us signed along with some blankets they had our son in and a felt heart. But I think the most difficult thing about that experience was leaving; I kept telling my husband we had to go back inside to get him, my husband had to physically force me into the car because I couldn’t leave without my son. But I did. It took a long long time for us to heal and be ready to try again. And when we did we finally had a healthy full term rainbow after many storms.
Post created by Jess Head. From Clovis, United States. On May 7, 2021
After trying to get pregnant for 11 months, I became pregnant with our daughter, Charlotte Victoria. We were overjoyed. I had a very healthy pregnancy with all of the parties and celebrations that come with being a first-time mom. We were shocked and devastated when we found out she passed away at 38.5 weeks. She was born on January 28, 2017 with the cord wrapped tightly around her neck twice; a rare and freak accident. I became pregnant twice more, but had two subsequent miscarriages later that year. I lost three babies in 2017. All medical tests came back fine; our doctor said we were having “extreme bad luck”. I became pregnant again with our son, Nathan Edward, who was born healthy on October 26, 2018. He is the light of our lives and a true blessing.
Post created by Nikki Spicer. From MILFORD, United States. On May 5, 2021
Clicking on the message the first post I read has my angel Baby boys date and is like it was meant to be. For my first angel Baby Boy JESSE-GARON born sleeping on 16th-Nov11th-2017 and my second angel Baby Boy Theodore Jordan Wilfred born sleeping on the 25th-September09th-2018 my babies your all I know and to me perfect yet time goes on and holding on or feeling of wonder or want or anger not knowing or realising the guilt or blame the sudden ness the hurt and loss the scary dramatic and darks in this world are feelings that might always be here there’s also that uniqness that feeling that look that smell that beauty that knowing that caring and knowledge of the links enabled when experienced the wonders in this world and the moments times n forever that Yous will always be I love yet want for you wonder but feel at peace in the comfort that your comforted until the day I get to comfort love and just be with Yous
Post created by Joan Louise Mason. From Coolbellup, Australia. On January 27, 2021
To my sweet Kehlani. I miss you so much. Not a day gets easier. Your big brothers miss you too. I wish you were still here with me. September 25th is my least favorite day by any means. Until we meet again my sweet princess. Love mommy.
Post created by Briana. From Allentown, United States. On January 19, 2021
My sweet Levi, from the moment we found out we were pregnant we knew without a doubt it was a boy. We waited for so long to meet you and each day kept imagining what you would like. Nov 23rd 2020 was supposed to be the day we finally take you home but God had other plans. My heart was ripped into pieces and even though I never got to meet you..you will forever be my baby, my firstborn, my sweet Levi. Forever cherished and loved till we meet again darling.
Mummy and daddy
Mummy and daddy
Post created by Karen. From Mombasa, Kenya. On November 29, 2020
Attached is a link to my blog/website which includes a short poem I wrote regarding my own still birth. If you think it will help others please release it on your site.
Kindest Regards
Post created by Ravinder Menon. From Surrey, United Kingdom. On November 25, 2020
My first child was born sleeping at 36 wks in 1981 I have never gotten over it. I lost all the hopes and dreams for my child. My daughter was buried in a paupers grave without my knowledge. I was treated appallingly at the Registry office when I had to register her. I recall the Registrar calling out very loudly in front of everyone “I will take the Stillbirth now” the look of horror on everyones face I will never forget. I was not allowed to give my little daughter a name. Hopefully things have moved on since those days.
Post created by Susan S. From London, UK. On October 1, 2020
Anne was born 15:05 25th March 1985 at 30 weeks gestation. However baby Anne had died at 28 weeks.
She was perfect in every way.
35 years later I mourn her as if it were yesterday.
With any luck the practices in hospitals have changed in relation to how grieving Mums are helped.
It never goes away,however in all the years that have passed I have found a small way of keeping Anne close…….
Season 1 Episode 7 of Castle sees Becket investigate the murder of a woman where her daughter is totally at a loss. The final scene the daughter asks Becket how do you get over it and Becket replies..”You don’t. One day you’ll wake up and you’ll find you don’t mind carrying it around with you. At least that’s as far as I’ve come.”
And that’s about as far as I’ve come also.
She was perfect in every way.
35 years later I mourn her as if it were yesterday.
With any luck the practices in hospitals have changed in relation to how grieving Mums are helped.
It never goes away,however in all the years that have passed I have found a small way of keeping Anne close…….
Season 1 Episode 7 of Castle sees Becket investigate the murder of a woman where her daughter is totally at a loss. The final scene the daughter asks Becket how do you get over it and Becket replies..”You don’t. One day you’ll wake up and you’ll find you don’t mind carrying it around with you. At least that’s as far as I’ve come.”
And that’s about as far as I’ve come also.
Post created by Margaret Leea. From Darwin. On June 29, 2020
Due to technical issues related to our website, the posting dates for stories shared with ISA prior to December 4, 2019 are unknown; we sincerely apologize for this.